Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Longform tweets, toots, and other stuff


  • Resolution progress 2022: End

  • Short descriptions matter

    To me, the most important part of an email is the subject line. What it tells me factors into whether I read it immediately or get back to it later. Later might take months as I don’t really have the time to read my email. Same thing with tickets. Additionally, several times a week, someone…

  • Power of anticipation

    As a teenager, my father worked for the City of Valdosta in building permits. People would ask me, hoping I had overheard him, about the businesses they hoped would soon come there. One restaurant in particular stood out as the crowd favorite. Which isn’t surprising because going to the one in Tallahassee, I invariably saw…

  • Federated social media

    Back in April, I learned about Mastodon. I made an account, but never used it. I made another and started using it. People are leaving Twitter. Many of those to Mastodon, so I will find them. You can find me there as @ezrasf@mas.to , so connect with me. The concept is interesting. There are many…

  • Intellectual superpower books

    Maybe because I am a bookworm, but this is a tweet storm that I decided to make a blog post to better organize my thoughts. Investigation of truth The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman. Jeffrey Robbins (Editor). This provided confirmation bias on my love of tinkering on…

  • Resolution progress 2022 : Q2

    Read 12 30 50 books. I have finished 23, which is well above the 50% pace at 76.7%. Updating the goal to include 20 more books, so now 50. Will count audiobooks. Not counting kids books. Add 12 read to the kid at least 20 times. 3 of these. Only at 25% pace, need to…

  • Hozered Start Me Up

    So, I dug out my old laptop and found that it was very low on space. The last time I used it was before Dropbox started using the Save hard drive space feature, so it had a ton of local files that ought to be online only. I did a stupid thing and tried to…

  • Non-specific error messages

    I asked the team that manages our Nagios service to add checks on a log file. In typical fashion, I asked for them to apply it to several test servers now then after these work, add them to prod. Some worked and some didn’t. The failure was with an error: NRPE unable to read output…

  • The email hammer

    A retired coworker was fond of the saying: If all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail. A super cranky former coworker railed about the terribleness of email. Mainly that too much stuff tried to go into email when it should be better off in RSS feeds or other. My…