Tag: Education
Skynet for school shooting prediction
This sounds likely to be fraught with false positives. In particular, the language a student uses during an interview can help distinguish a high-risk teenager [shooter] from a low-risk one, according to previous research Barzman directed. That study concluded that the former was more likely to express negative feelings about himself and about the acts…
TED Talk: How To Ask Good Questions
Why ask questions? Sometimes being able to ask a good question is more important than finding a good answer. If the video above does not work, then try How To Ask Good Questions: David Stork at TEDxStanleyPark What makes a question the best? Clearly stated and unambiguous There must be a solution Solution method exists…
TED Talk: What we’re learning from online education
MOOCs are still the buzz in 2013. The best quote I have heard about them is that they replace an in-person class like Facebook replaces a social life. Of course, Facebook is my main social life…. I do sense a hope that MOOCs will replace a whole education or at least credits (think AP courses).…
A Conversation with Ray Bradbury
My favorite quote from the video below. We should learn from history about the destruction of books. When I was fifteen years old, Hitler burned books in the streets of Berlin. So I learned then how dangerous it all was because if you didn’t have books and the ability to read, then you could not…
Weekly Roundup for Jan 20, 2012
This is my first attempt at something like a weekly roundup like I said I should try in To Blog Or To Share?. Hopefully I can maintain it. Martin Luther King Jr on education: Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the ligitimate goals of his life. Education…
Rethinking Education
A new Michael Wesch video.  He wrote as the introduction: This video was produced as a contribution to the EDUCAUSE book, The Tower and the Cloud: Higher Education in the Age of Cloud Computing, edited by Richard Katz and available as an e-Book athttp://www.educause.edu/thetowerandth… or commercially at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0967…Produced in 2007 as a conversation starter in small…
STEM Celebs
This interesting article on the need of more science, technology, engineering, and mathematics graduates in the United States to compete with other countries strikes me as the kind of thing said to Romans right before the fall. Maybe also to the English just before World War I. Of course, predictions of the future are fraught…
Changing Education Paradigms
Sir Ken Robinson, who has the great TED talk on how education kills creativity, Schools Kill Creativity, has a new one. A key concept is divergent thinking, an essential capacity of creativity, is the ability to see multiple answers or approaches. Education appears to kill off divergent thinking. Creativity is important to problem solving. I had…
Another Ironic Keynote
Earlier today, Blackboard announced the keynote will be given by Anya Kamenetz, author of DIY U as the DevCon keynote. It continues the tradition of ironic keynote speakers in even years: 2008 Michael Wesch who spoke on how the traditional one-to-many classroom model isn’t good for helping students learn. The two LMS products Blackboard makes…