I am Ezra Freelove

Blue Shirt Head Shot
Blue Shirt Head Shot

Girl dad. Solutions architect. SRE, integrations, automation. Geek. Learning from incidents. Love randomness. Amateur griot. Information omnivore. Social media addict. More comfortable online.

This personal blog is my external brain. Anything I need to remember goes here. Over the years as social media made it really easy to post there, I have come to neglect my external brain. That explains why I am no longer any good at remembering anything (not that I am getting older). It also explains why I went to the effort of digging up my posts from Friendster, LiveJournal, MovableType, Pitas, Vox, and Xanga. I feel better having everything in one place.

I have kept a blog since October 14, 2000. My first real staff position started a few months earlier. Over time I have gotten less openly personal in my blogging and more geek and work related. I don’t blog that much anymore, I guess because I have a family now. See Polymath Parent for my fatherhood posts.

I am a Technology Strategist for the University System of Georgia. That means I proactively work on our IT challenges. Lean forward. My areas include GeorgiaBEST, Georgia Archives, and others. See my Vizualize.Me for details on my work.

Things I geek in alphabetical order: Blogging. Bookworm. CIOs. Education. flickr. Georgia. Google. Internet. Linux. Online Learning. Oracle. Photography. Physics. Psychology. Science. Social media. technology. Technology-Entertainment-Design. user interface. Web 2.0.

I previously used a Canon Digital Rebel XT digital camera mostly for special events. Now-a-days, the Samsung NX300 is my special events camera. One can find more about my cameras and lenses in my profile at Flickr.

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