Resolution progress 2022: End

  • Read 12 30 50 books. I have finished 40, so I fell short by six for the updated goal but did okay since I beat the first two goal aspirations. Basically, lost steam at the end of the year trying to also keep up with podcasts and being on months long waiting lists for titles on my wishlist.
    • Will count audiobooks.
    • Not counting kids books. Add 12 read to the kid at least 20 times. Think there are 12 of these.
    • Not counting short stories / novellas. 4 of these.
    • Link to the Goodreads Challenge tracking these.
  • Lose 25 pounds. I was at 251 when this was made. Now at 261, so a complete failure.
    • Need to regain some muscle too. Pretty sure I lost muscle in the process.