Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4


Originally uploaded by sneezypb.

Definitely time for a haircut.

About a week ago I decided I needed one. However, its been quite hectic. As most of you know, I work for the University System of Georgia’s Office of Instructional and Information Technology, specifically a project to provide system wide (35 schools) online classes. We have one of the largest implementations in the country (120,000 active students).

With the start of the first week of classes we’ve had performance issues to make the system unusable. We’ve been able to better tune the Oracle database to hopefully minimize symptoms we’ve seen, but the vendor has been almost useless in providing support so far. They have been able to rule out a few tools as likely candidates for what is executing the SQL. After two days they have not been able to locate where a particular piece of SQL is used in their system. WTF?

I’ve been on call this week. So the 4,000 pages have been a headache. We’ve restarted the system three times this week. 🙁


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