Perhaps I don’t understand a Newsweek article advocating Americans have more in common with Hinduism than Christianity? First, the numbers of Americans who agree with the sentiments are 65%, 30%, and 24% respectively for each argument. We’d use numbers as strong as 30% and 24% to illustrate people are opposed to something. Of course, we’d…
St. Joseph Peninsula State Park in Florida was the 2002 Dr. Beach America’s Best Beach winner. It is the only beach on the list I have actually visited. I just wish I’d brought the right camera lens. Visiting here in 2003 made me appreciate photography. This was my first trip back. Photos from the 2003…
For about eight months I have participated in a group called the Brunch Bunch here in Athens. We get together to eat and talk. Many conversations drift into the nerdy (my forté?). The locations vary so I have gotten to try new (to me) restaurants. Elizabeth (pictured right) vouched that I am a great guy.…
The Voting Rights Act of 1965 protects people from malicious actions by state and local governments to prevent people from voting. Yes, we have a president of African-American descent. Yes, the United States Supreme Court took no action. However, the majority opinion statement that, “We are a very different nation,” suggests it could be repealed.…
About this talk from the TED site: Bennington president Liz Coleman delivers a call-to-arms for radical reform in higher education. Bucking the trend to push students toward increasingly narrow areas of study, she proposes a truly cross-disciplinary education — one that dynamically combines all areas of study to address the great problems of our day.…
This is a test of the George blog watching system. If George in facts reads my blog, then he will see this trailer for a show he likes. If George actually had read my blog, then he would have made comments on previous posts. Thank you.
I noticed a little black and white sign: “Single?” a while ago. A couple weeks ago it came up in conversation. Today I saw it again. So I visited the site. First impression: A local site should have images to represent something about the locality. Generic stock photography doesn’t cut it for me. The…
American politics frustrates me. Little of it is genuine. People are being tricked into believing obvious lies. Positions are veiled in marketing speak to make them sound better than the reality. Maybe there is an honest candidate? I just don’t have faith in the integrity in the American political system. In any case, I have…
This started out as a comment to Adrian, but I it got so long it may as well be a post on its own…. The significance of racial labels is not in identifying the genetic makeup of individuals. The significance is in how the labels were used to enforce segregation long before the American Revolution.…