Category: Election

  • QAnon made MAGA

    The bullshit of QAnon was bad. People were threatened or killed over the conspiracies it circulated, but what’s worse is that Stephen Miller, Fox News, Newsmax, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Charlie Kirk, and others all realized they could craft Q-like conspiracies to get loyal viewers and sell so much stuff. (Ads and merch).…

  • End the political ads

    Got a canvasser who thanked me for having already voted. The visit was to ask if other members of the household have voted and if not, then do they have a plan? What was interesting to me was the campaign knew I had already voted. I did last week on my day off. And I…

  • Anatomy of an election ‘meltdown’ in Georgia (this was June and November will have double the voters) How to hack an election Mandatory Voting vs Quasi-Mandatory Voting

  • While I may have issues with his abilities to govern, Trump is a a fantastic storyteller. Biden got better at it during the primary, but he has fall off of it since March. Trump’s best shot at reelection is false-consensus effect

  • Review: The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion Quasi-Mandatory Voting In the time of Hamilton

  • Illusory Truth Effect : how the frequency of statements influences how accurate we think they are. Puppet Candidates : how candidates claim they create things reserved for Congress. (Bush v Gore) The Enemy’s POV and Ideological Identity : ideology > facts. Even worse, we have arrived where ideology is our identity. Bullshit Curation : “the…

  • Thinking back to Obama’s campaign for reelection, I recall much talk about how incompetent, evil, and terrible a president he was from his opposition. Not Romney directly but the his likely voters on social media. To the point of Romney feeling moral obligation to defend Obama as not that bad of a person to his…

  • How can he help me?

    Got an email subject of “How can I help you?” from my U.S. Senator. This is a first in the over 3 years of emails I have from his office. Most communicate his party’s stance on an issue. Some are advisory like “Preparing For Hurricane Irma”. The closest to this seemingly change in approach is…

  • Same Day Registration

    Same Day Registration (SDR) gives voters the opportunity to register to vote or update their registration when voting early and on Election Day. Voter turnout in states with SDR was seven points higher than non-SDR states. Somehow I missed this for the Quasi-Mandatory Voting post. If you achieve automatic registration, then you don’t need SDR…