Category: Communication

  • Acknowledgement

    Trying to get a price quote from a vendor. It has been two full weeks. The first week plus was confusion within their organization who should be working on it. See, back in April they reclassified our account, so we got a different representative, which is fine. But four months later, they should not be…

  • This program and I are at odds over what “automatically” means. It says that the dataset is updated automatically, which is fine. Except they produce new data multiple times a day at the most frequent and every couple days at the least. The agent software is supposed to update every day. My dataset was 202 days…

  • “Job Title”

    No one knows what is a Technology Strategist. So, a while back, I changed my title on LinkedIn to Systems Architect and Engineer. The side advantage to this is I can tell the source of where people have gotten my information. If they were looking at my Curriculum Vitae, then they would see Technology Strategist. If…

  • I work to integrate systems. So, when I learn about things, I guess my mind drifts into how would we use it. And then into how would tie together this with other things we have to make them better. Last week news dropped about Microsoft (MSFT) buying LinkedIn (LNKD). The big deal people seem to…

  • Sometimes I feel preachy when advising people to carbon-copy (CC) emails. Lots of good email etiquette advises to avoid using “reply all” with emails. I think the matter is a bit more nuanced. Thinking of the perspective of a small team… The more eyes that see discussions about work decision history, rationale, and possibility the…

  • Human relationships are rich and they are messy and they are demanding and we clean them up with technology. — Sherry Tuckle Technology is the great deceiver. We can use it to craft how we present ourselves to others. Unfortunately, we lose the connections. As a university campus webmaster, I most preferred meeting in person.…

  • Through the grapevine, a coworker heard in another organization a top administrator wants the rank and file to start blogging. My coworker was opposed. I thought it could be a cool way of internally communicating. Though the conditions to make it work very much depend on the organizational culture: Encouragement not forced. Managers are asked…

  • Language is our genes talking; getting things that it wants. … Social learning is visual theft.