Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Category: RSS / Blogs

  • WordPress and Mastodon

    Months ago, Automattic acquired the ActivityPub plugin for WordPress that will publish on the Mastodon network as a federated instance through the ActivityPub protocol. The blog basically becomes a server of sorts in the fediverse. That sounded cool, so I installed the plugin. This post will serve as a test to see if it works.…

  • Facebook discourages providing sources

    A friend posted an article about a political candidate. I wanted to find a related article and add it to that conversation. So, I opened the browser, got pulled into a couple offline things, found the article, got pulled in a couple other offline directions, and went back to the post. The app refreshed and…

  • It takes seconds to share

    News entities are putting this ultimate clickbait in the missing persons articles. And people fall for it hook, line, and sinker. I see a Facebook post a day where someone is missing. And found before my friend posted it. Usually the person has been fine for months. It would be nice if Facebook would indicate…

  • 15 days of fame

    Looks like the storm of visitors to this blog looking for information on that fake video circulating Facebook is over. Most of the searches were for the hostname of the server which I happened to mention in the post. Which, I guess put me to the top of the search results. One individual found me…

  • A Dunbar model in social media

    This made me wonder about the possibilities of a better model. Fifteen years into the Facebook era, it i well established that people are not actually friends with the hundreds or thousands of Facebook friends they may have. They could not be if they tried. Research has found that there seems to be a limit…

  • Fb Messenger virus

    Got a message from a coworker that suggested I was in a video. Naturally, I am supposed to click on it, but it felt wrong. A quick Duck Duck Go search revealed it to be a virus. If you think a virus was installed on your device, then my advice is to find a trusted…

  • Spoiling others on Facebook

    Dear Facebook, it would be awesome if you would create a spoilers option for posts where the poster could say what it contains. You get users feeding you data about engagement with media useful for advertisers. Nice people could contain the damage of spoilers. As it is, I saw several people created a post and…

  • Facebook Feature Request: External content datestamp

    When people post a link, a Facebook bot looks at the content and finds the content of the <title> tag and creates a summary. My modest proposal is that it also locates the post datestamp to include here. Every Facebook post has the name of the poster with when they posted it. It might be…

  • The Social Media Evolution

    The Make Me Smart Podcast episode 96: Do it for the ‘gram had an interesting quip that Instagram was what the Facebook News Feed was before it got corrupted by ads and political arguments: the trivialities of our daily lives. All social networks became popular because of trivialities. “What’s on your mind?” THAT is what…