This is America! Equality! Liberty! Democracy! Arizona has a bill S.B. 1108 to legislate the forbidding of student groups who are against the principles of America. Specifically democracy, capitalism, pluralism, and religious tolerance must be upheld by all. A founding principle of the United States was dissent. Disagreeing with King George III, British Parliament, and…
George R. R. Martin posted a new sample for A Dance With Dragons to his web site. Read it and weep. The new book is not finished…
Highlights of photographing George this year:
Painted Room: Brian Ermanski Source of George’s nightmares for years to come… (tags: hotel art)
By George [here] to post seven facts about me. I am the product of miscegenation. I read when I eat alone. There are 455 contacts in my instant messenger. Three of my four grandparents died before the age of 55. My height is 191.5 cm. No one else has my name in Google. (First entry…
» Microsoft confirms Vista Speech Recognition remote execution flaw | George Ou | I heard back from the folks at the MSRC, and they let me know that Microsoft is investigating public reports of a possible vulnerability in Windows Vista’s speech recognition feature. Microsoft’s initial investigation reveals that this vulnerability could allow an attacker…
NPR : ‘Star Wars’ Celebrated in the Tournament of Roses Parade: The 501st Legion will be marching in the Tournament of Roses Parade on New Year’s Day. That would be an international legion of Star Wars fans. This year, George Lucas is the grand marshal of the parade. The Star Wars director is celebrating the…
The world has changed as a result of these attacks 5 years ago today. Pre-9/11 we viewed the world’s problems as only something we had to deal with should we travel to a dangerous country. Post-9/11 we are constantly nervous that once again our home might be that dangerous country. A whole country going through…