Tag: athens

  • Found an interesting comment on an article the state of Georgia observing the Confederate Memorial Day…. The truth of history means very little to those who are dead set against learning anything from it. No matter what the history books used in our public school system say, most will never believe anything other than their…

  • I noticed a little black and white sign: “Single? athensdating.org” a while ago. A couple weeks ago it came up in conversation. Today I saw it again. So I visited the site. First impression: A local site should have images to represent something about the locality. Generic stock photography doesn’t cut it for me. The…

  • Flickr has millions of photos. (Maybe billions.) Many of these photos are tagged. One can look at all the photos with a tag. Every tag has a built in RSS feed. However, to view a combination of tags, one needs to search for the two tags. Athens tag – which includes Athens, Greece and Athens,…

  • The Dali Wall on the UGA campus. I took this during a photowalk with other Flickr users. I’ll try and keep you informed through the Athens, GA Flickr Meetup group.

  • Last night I read Uncle Bill’s Christmas letter. He mailed it, but he apparently doesn’t have my postal address so I got the electronic version. Woohoo! His letter recaps the year for his family. Do any of you have such a tradition? Or a family member who does? Oddly my blog doesn’t provide much basis…

  • Separate Populations?

    What are my neighbors doing? Curiosity about that question resulted in some conflicting data. Ordered by when I added the RSS feed for them. search.twitter.com for “Athens GA”  – results are full of people talking about Athens, GA not in Athens, GA. Useful for people coming into town for an event. TweetLocal search for “Athens, GA”…

  • I felt conspicuously under dressed downtown tonight. Lots of people out and about wearing either 208,0,0 n 0,0,0 or 153,0,0 n 255,255,255. The male red n blacks were dressed in white shirts, black pants, and red tie. The female red n blacks were dressed in little black dresses and red accessories. Both male and female…

  • Took this tonight. I like the result. No tripod. Just steadied on a knot on the tree and relying on the image stabilization gyros.

  • Details Matter


    During the UGA vs. Arizona State game, a number of us who post on pictures of Athens, GA on Flickr met to hang out and shoot. With just seven of us there, we were able to stay as one group and get shots of stuff and each other. I enjoyed meeting new peoole with similar…