Category: Humor / Weird

  • Call me crazy. I’m not that huge a fan of decimal. We use it, I accept it. Any time the leading tens or hundreds changes, we feel the need to celebrate it over the others. So, 20th, 30th, 40th… 100th are more important birthdays. Oddly 16, 18, and 21 are also important. Well, 16 is…

  • Wash. initiative would require married couples to have kids An initiative filed by proponents of same-sex marriage would require heterosexual couples to have kids within three years or else have their marriage annulled. … Under the initiative, marriage would be limited to men and women who are able to have children. Couples would be required…

  • Watching the Superbowl. The Half Time Show stars Prince. Fine. He starts playing some song, at first I thought it was a Jimi Hendrix cover, but then he sings lyrics… No, not a Jimi song, ohhhhh… That’s the Foo Fighters’ Best of You. Huh? Is Prince a fan? Really? Odd.

  • Moon men == bomb threat? Well, I expected Aqua Teen Hunger Force to bomb when I first saw it. So, thanks to the Boston police this media campaign which intended to be subtle and inexpensive is getting a tsunami of free media coverage. No matter the outcome of the two guys going to prison or…

  • Moose from Utah transported to Colorado – Yahoo! News “I’ve never mugged a moose, but I guess they’re pretty wimpy once they’re on the ground,” Dolling said.

  • Woman fakes kidnapping to avoid work – Yahoo! News: A 21-year-old German woman who did not feel like going to work at a fast food restaurant sent her parents a text message saying she had been kidnapped. Police in the Bavarian town of Straubing said Wednesday they had launched a massive search throughout the region…

  • International Talk Like A Pirate Day: International Talk Like a Pirate Day isn’t one o’ those governmentally sanctioned holidays that shifts around to create a convenient three-day weekend. No, the date is ALWAYS Sept. 19 (Cap’n Slappy’s ex-wife’s birthday.)

  • Heavy rains flood the Northeast on Yahoo! News Photos:

  • I’m working from home (yes, 11PM on a Friday night – that’s why I get paid the big bucks). So, I often put on comfortable clothes for working. While jean shorts are pretty comfortable, the sweat shorts are so much better for spending all night typing at the command line and checking things in a…