Tag: rar archive

  • Odd Tracking File Recording

    Every time a Vista 3 node is shut down without going through the initiated shut down process, there is a chance of incorrect data written to the tracking files (in NodeA/tracking/). Normally it leaves strange characters or partial lines at the end of the file. This is the first time I have seen it write…

  • TED Talk: Brewster Kahle builds a free digital library

    I’ve heard the Library of Congress analogy previously. The question I had then was, “What about the diagrams and pictures which make the books useful. Books are not just letters, numbers, and symbols.”

  • Ezra Haters

    I knew Ezra is relatively rare as a name. That just means people cannot pronounce it correctly, think it is a girl’s name, or think it is a pseudonym.  Still…. There are more boys in the State of Georgia named P or Z (yes, just the letter) than named Ezra. Nice.

  • Relative Truth

    Found an interesting comment on an article the state of Georgia observing the Confederate Memorial Day…. The truth of history means very little to those who are dead set against learning anything from it. No matter what the history books used in our public school system say, most will never believe anything other than their…

  • Athensdating.org

    I noticed a little black and white sign: “Single? athensdating.org” a while ago. A couple weeks ago it came up in conversation. Today I saw it again. So I visited the site. First impression: A local site should have images to represent something about the locality. Generic stock photography doesn’t cut it for me. The…

  • Another Way To RAR

    I was sent a RAR file at work. I didn’t want to install WinRAR because it wasn’t clear whether educational institutions are business or not. The PowerArchiver software worked used only pretended the capability of opening the file. A better solution might be 7-Zip? It supports RAR.

  • Higher Ed Twitter List

    Karlyn Morissette posted her Master Higher Ed Twitter List. Other than @eironae and @barbaranixon, I didn’t know anyone on the list. So I thought to post a list of higher education professionals I follow categorized by primary expertise. Blackboard twitterers might be another post. Those in bold are coworkers. College / University / Departments @atsu_its…

  • Resolutions For 2009

    Read 10,000 pages of science, economics, health, history, or policy books. For 2008, it was read 25 books. This year, I thought to change it page-based as the previous one shied me away from larger books. Two 350 page books vs one 700 page book shouldn’t be a concern. See Reading for last and this years’…

  • Division Issue in YAPB

    Problem PHP in Yet Another Photoblog causes “Warning: Division by zero in exifReader.inc on line 859” (the problem line is in bold):   case TAG_SHUTTERSPEED:   // More complicated way of expressing exposure time, so only use   // this value if we don’t already have it from somewhere else.   if ($this->ImageInfo[TAG_EXPOSURETIME] == 0){     $sp = $this->ConvertAnyFormat($ValuePtr, $Format);   …