Tag: PHP

  • CPR/AED training requires time on the floor rescuing dummies. Objects in pockets, like my Digital Elph, interfere with rescuing dummies. Digital cameras on desks without supervision have a tendency to disappear. (Not so much from coworkers kleptomania but from my distractions.) So I put it in my work backpack.  Today is the First Day of…

  • A site called The Hero Factory lets you make your own comic character. This is the one it gave me. There are other similar sites: Hero Machine FaceYourManga MyHero Originally uploaded by Ezra F

  • Recovering Pictures

    William borrowed my camera to go on his honeymoon. He also lost the photos with a poorly timed crash & drive reformat. So he wants to borrow the card and recover the data. Thankfully I have not used the camera since he returned it despite thinking I should. Luckily I ran across A Computer Repair…

  • There is a good post on backing up a PLE or really anything created in the cloud. The danger of working in the cloud is the site disappearing like Ma.gnolia recently. When the data is important, such as for teaching a class, this is huge. So the advice to have additional copies elsewhere is good. Is it the…

  • Problem PHP in Yet Another Photoblog causes “Warning: Division by zero in exifReader.inc on line 859” (the problem line is in bold):   case TAG_SHUTTERSPEED:   // More complicated way of expressing exposure time, so only use   // this value if we don’t already have it from somewhere else.   if ($this->ImageInfo[TAG_EXPOSURETIME] == 0){     $sp = $this->ConvertAnyFormat($ValuePtr, $Format);   …

  • Retention is one of those numbers higher education leaders tend to review to determine how effectively the faculty reaches the students. Historically black colleges and universities were created because students found it difficult both to get into “neutral” colleges and graduate from them. That latter part sounds like they were created in part to solve…

  • reCAPTCHA and Chrome

    Was using this RSVP form with Google Chrome and found the reCAPTCHA was telling me I repeatedly failed the Turing test. After the sixth time, I decided it might be my browser, so I tried it in Firefox which worked fine. Curious, I went looking for a possible problem between reCAPTCHA and Chrome. According to…

  • Why did you do it, Flickr? Why? Originally uploaded by issuez Changes to the Flickr home page and Facebook’s overall UI were intended to make them more streamlined. So why is there a vocal rejection of these UI changes? Well, management is focused on attracting new users. In their minds, the people using the system…

  • American politics frustrates me. Little of it is genuine. People are being tricked into believing obvious lies. Positions are veiled in marketing speak to make them sound better than the reality. Maybe there is an honest candidate? I just don’t have faith in the integrity in the American political system. In any case, I have…