Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: netflix

  • Feature request: unwatch

    Streaming services track what I have watched so I can see the progress. But only your first time through a series. If I start over, then it can be confusing where I am. I might start over because I didn’t finish and want to give it another chance. Or I want to watch a series…

  • Netflix Content Expiring Jan 1st

    Yesterday a friend pointed out Netflix is dropping some content on January 1st. This was in relation to the movie of a book we read for a book club earlier this month. So last night, while watching the movie, I noted through the web site all the movies in my list set to expire by…

  • Accounting Predictions

    In my Prediction Accountability, I ranted on how no one really knows whether predictions are accurate and ended with it really does not matter because no one is going to really stop using these services because they are usually wrong. Basically, I thought it futile to even try. In retrospect that is probably the perfect…

  • Prediction Accountability

    The technology buzzword standard for prediction appears to be Netflix and Amazon. Everyone wants to get to where they make recommendations customers will buy. But are these predictions any good? Out of the slew of emails you get from Amazon, how percentage do you actually buy? How many do you sneer at it and hit…

  • Inconsistent Experiences

    Lately I have been thinking about getting a new TV. An important vacuum I would like to fill is accessing content on the Internet through it. The want is mostly filled by my Wii, but the device is in a physical location that makes playing games inconvenient because of the limited space. So my idea…

  • Summer Movie Season

    The commentary my friends made during the trailers in front of Thor inspired this post. So here are the movies coming soon this summer I want to see. After compiling the list, it is interesting how the ones I most want to see are all based on comics, graphic novels, short stories. As a kid,…

  • Not So Watch Instantly

    Stargate SG-1 season 3 on Netflix watch instantly requires getting the disks for episodes 5, 15, & 20. Why? My best guess is unlicensed for the medium because of an actor. Netflix needs to work on providing a warning when episodes of a television show require getting the dvd so I can plan ahead. Also…

  • The Digital Switch

    The Long Tail claims consumers, given more options, will reflect their widely varied interests. Physical stores cannot fill all of the demand, so bytes stored on disk are the fastest, cheapest method for getting stuff to consumers. We see a mostly example of this shift in the shift to digital music. Vinyl records were the…

  • On Oil

    A while ago, George wrote about the new fees for flying. Lacey pointed out how the price of oil affects the cost of running an airline. Thoughts about these have been lurking in my head ever since. Today I have watched a couple times a speech given by Congressman Roscoe Bartlett on how oil production…