Tag: females

  • Smart Boys


    George and I talked about this some last night. Nature vs Nurture… I tend to think of both as bottlenecks for human development. The debate about which does more to me makes as much sense as debating which is better for a web application: Apache or MySQL? Both are involved and affect the end results.…

  • What Makes You Happy?

    Apparently singing to females makes male birds happy by triggering certain parts of their brains. Video games, chocolate, and some drugs like cocaine are associated with similarly creating happiness. How are you stimulating your VTA?

  • The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature by Matt Ridley My review rating: 5 of 5 stars Darwin’s theory of natural selection opened a can of worms. Matt Ridley adds to the support for the case by attempting to explain: Why sexual and not asexual reproduction? Why males and females? Why do…

  • The previous post regarding the FBI checking on whether a photographer was Middle Eastern reminded me…. The Civil Rights Movement occurred before I was born. However, my parents were afflicted by blatantly racist laws which continued for decades. State anti-miscegenation law [1] at the time prohibited White females from marrying outside of their race. Since…

  • links for 2007-11-28

    On failure. (tags: research science) Hey, Young Americans, Here’s a Text for You (tags: democracy) Personal Learning Environments – the future of eLearning? (tags: education learning online_learning)

  • An old friend has changed his name. His new name is mostly (if not fully) maternal in origin. He will retain his middle name which he now goes by as his given name. His old first name and surname came from his dad’s family. As he and his dad rarely get along, changing the name…