Tag: family

  • Last night I read Uncle Bill’s Christmas letter. He mailed it, but he apparently doesn’t have my postal address so I got the electronic version. Woohoo! His letter recaps the year for his family. Do any of you have such a tradition? Or a family member who does? Oddly my blog doesn’t provide much basis…

  • Family, especially gaining a new member in a few weeks My dart team members and their significant others Friends Having a job, especially my team at work No health issues this year My cameras and accessories Car Google Reader Flickr video Technorati : Thanksgiving Day, thanks Del.icio.us : Thanksgiving Day, thanks Flickr : Thanksgiving Day,…

  • American politics frustrates me. Little of it is genuine. People are being tricked into believing obvious lies. Positions are veiled in marketing speak to make them sound better than the reality. Maybe there is an honest candidate? I just don’t have faith in the integrity in the American political system. In any case, I have…

  • Would you believe United States employees cost their employers $650 billion in productivity costs in the seconds it takes for them to return attention back to the task at hand? The time spans lost are the same amount of time required to interpret a CAPTCHA. E-mail, instant messaging, Twitter, etc. are all distractions from getting…

  • Nicole Has Freedom Now, originally uploaded by Ezra F. Best of the walking photographs I managed to get at 190mm. Nicole’s graduation means she needs a job. Do you have something for her? Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice, 3 years IT helpdesk experience, and 1 year web design experience. 🙂

  • There is a slight difference between FriendFeed and an RSS aggregator? According to the site, “FriendFeed enables you to keep up-to-date on the web pages, photos, videos and music that your friends and family are sharing.” It is using the RSS feeds of the various sites. So, like an RSS aggregator, FF pulls information from…

  • Some video I took while down in Valdosta last week. I already posted the first four to Google Video. I eventually figured out how to get them to YouTube. Best ones in bold. Should Write Everything Down All of them? Men don’t like sitting around Juggling Job & Medical Stuff Took off both? Barbara does…

  • Two Nannies for the Price of Lunch, originally uploaded by Ezra F. Lunch at Covington’s, a Valdosta restaurant. Took my grandmother there for lunch some time last week. Its a place she likes.

  • Dad told me when people see his last name for the first time, they typically ask him if he knows me. When he tells them I am his son, they start telling him about great I am.