Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Category: Fun

  • Sports signage in times of pandemic

    In watching some futbol (aka soccer aka English football) matches this past year, it kind of seems like some of them have maybe increased the sponsorship names on the stadium seats. It kind of makes sense that with no butts in seats, this is real estate that is more on camera than in the past.…

  • Counting in counties

    The frequency of both words being used in the same sentence the past couple days has me wondering about the relatedness. So, I looked up the etymology of both. count (verb) late 14c., “to enumerate, assign numerals to successively and in order; repeat the numerals in order,” also “to reckon among, include,” from Old French conter “to…

  • The trouble with geek friends

    Geeks have intense interests. They border on obsessions. They know EVERYTHING about those interests. And argue vehemently for them, about them, and against others. These habits bleed over into other non-geek areas such that it felt like an intrinsic part of the culture. For decades I doubted you could have geeks without arguments, so I…

  • Cognitive dissonance of UGA and Falcons fans

    It is funny to me how many rivalries UGA football has: Clean, Old-Fashioned Hate World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party Deep South’s Oldest Rivalry “Grown Man Football” with Missouri with South Carolina with Tennessee fans talk about hating Clemson fans talk about hating Alabama Since Atlanta is the closest metropolitan area to UGA, there is a…

  • Nerducation

    Nerds are a special breed. Not all of us discover we are one at an early age. Some may even deny it for a long time. So the late bloomers who discover they are a nerd have a lot of catching up to do. Step one: What do you love? Make wishlists. Step two: Work your way…

  • Sports Announcers & Hot Hand

    It seems fairly common for sports announcers to contradict themselves. One minute, “Team X cannot catch a break,” and the next, “Everything is going their way.” During the first case, they were up by a sizable amount but a few chances in a row went bust. They were never at risk, but eventually, the other…

  • Seasons

    In the southern US, one can tell it is winter based on people wearing sweaters or scarves outside office buildings. It is summer based on people wearing sweaters or scarves inside office buildings.

  • Unwritten Rules

    A while ago, a baseball player coworker and I had a conversation about the unwritten rules of baseball. These are expected sportsmanship behaviors. When players are perceived to violate these moral guidelines, the other team may result in retaliation. Teams can end up in brawls on the field over the escalations started by someone violating an unwritten rule.…

  • Trumped Up Cards Winner

    My grandmother loved games. She and I and others would play all the time. If she was bored, then her go to way to break the lull was “How about we play a game?” I inherited most of her games. My dining room has a shelf full of them. They include the inheritance, a few…