Category: Browsers

  • It’s like the Electronic Frontier Foundation is Captain Obvious? It says web-sites fingerprint browsers to identify the users. The website anonymously logged the configuration and version information from each participant’s operating system, browser, and browser plug-ins — information that websites routinely access each time you visit — and compared that information to a database of…

  • I was excited to read today a Google Chrome Beta is now available on Linux. Gmail and Google Reader have weird font issues for me on both Linux and Window Firefox. So I tend split my browser load based on where the sites work best for me. Making the Linux switch meant leaving Chrome behind…

  • This was written as an explanation to the quiz and answer. The web is a difficult animal to wrangle. A web page may appear different in different web browsers. For this reason, as a web page designer, I keep various web browsers like IE, Netscape 4 and Netscape 7. Being a professional in the world of…

  • Here is the answer to the question of the week… “How many web browsers do I have installed on my work computer?” Internet Explorer 6.0 Netscape 7.x Netscape 4.x Opera 7.x Mozilla 1.x Phoenix 0.x Lynx 2.8.4 Ghostzilla I have 8 web browsers installed at work. At home, I just have 3 (IE, Phoenix, and…

  • Quiz question for the week… How many web browsers do I have installed on my work computer? 🙂 People get in a tizzy over the dumbest things sometimes. Cell phones with cameras are not a menace to privacy, any camera can be. Yeah, cell phones are small. Lots of digital cameras are so small they can…

  • I find myself wanting to give Netscape the benefit of the doubt and give it another try. The browser offially sucks now in my opinion. Now, I do not have by any means a slow machine at work:  1.4 GHz, 256 MB RAM, Ultra ATA 100 7200 RPM hard drive. On this machine, the browser crawls.…

  • On a browser downloading spree… just snagged Opera. Next is Netscape 7. Any others I should grab? I already use IE 6, Netscape 4.79, and Mozilla 0.9.x. Tiny update… 24 MB download with some stuffturned off. Ouch! Thought I told it NOT to install RealPlayer? WTF? Why did it install? Have to uninstall RealOne AGAIN…

  • Xanga

    , ,

    Windows XP sux. I like Windows 2000 better. Much better. One of the things that annoys me is how IE6 behaves. When I click on a link, the text on that line becomes smaller. Huh? Why? Think I am going to phase out this blog site. Maybe make it my backup for my Xanga site. Anyway,…

  • Blogzilla


    I like Mozilla. Found Blogzilla, a blog by one of the developers. He had all kinds of tricks. My favorite is the ability to reject pictures from known advertisers. With the right click menu I can add to this list.