Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Category: About Me

  • Writer’s Block: The Things We Carry

    Wallet frequent visitor spender cards money identification receipts Cell phone I try to make sure I have the work pager, a camera, and a pen.

  • Another Doppleganger?

    I have a universal face. People confuse me with others. In elementary school, a kid thought at first I was in another grade. My classmates attested to my proper grade. Turns out he confused me with someone a couple grades ahead. In 2000, Le Ann wanted to know the name of the girl she saw…

  • RRRv302 REPOST: Did A Stupid Thing

    Originally posted January 15, 2004. v4 means its the fourth incarnation of this blog. This post was in v3. Thankfully, MovableType writes the content to files meaning there is a lasting archive. That reminds me… Need to put on the calendar to do regular backups of this blog. Back to the post: Did A Stupid…

  • From Dead and Buried to Reaching the Stars

    What is the American fascination with Tutankhamun? Personally, I favor Ramses II. Actually, Ramses II was one of my first obsessions. I knew everything there was to know about him at seven years old. Decades later, I’ve forgotten most of what I knew. We share the phoneme “Ra”. Ra was an Egyptian sun god probably…

  • Deeds of Gaijin Occupiers

    My grandmother has recently started telling everyone she owns a house in Japan (gaijin cannot own land?). In the 1950s, my grandfather was stationed in Japan. He went over by himself, acquired a house, and sent for his wife and six kids to come. The most common story my grandmother tells is this trip over…

  • Writer’s Block: Google Me

    I have! Irregularly. Now, I have a Google Alert which tells me about new instances of my name. In general, it makes me a little apprehensive. HowManyOfMe.com says my name should not exist. As far as I can tell, no one else with my name is active online, so… I am exposed. 🙁

  • Melungeon

    Mom dropped me a note last night. She ran across the word melungeon while doing some genealogy research. It describes someone who is of European, African, and Native American descent. It was popular in the Appalachian Mountains and similar in use to Mulatto in being a negative term. I haven’t talked about this much on…

  • Meningitis

    Mom wrote a poem called Meningitis recently and presented it at the TBS talent show. The poem describes in graphic detail her experience of my catching Meningitis when I was three years old. The coma. The burning to the touch. My body being kept on ice to bring down the temperature. My parents not being…

  • I’ve been tagged

    By George [here] to post seven facts about me. I am the product of miscegenation. I read when I eat alone. There are 455 contacts in my instant messenger. Three of my four grandparents died before the age of 55. My height is 191.5 cm. No one else has my name in Google. (First entry…