Systemwide, only 48 percent of the students in Georgia’s four-year public institutions earn a degree within six years of enrollment, compared to a national average of 54 percent. Even allowing eight to 10 years, the percentage of students earning degrees climbs only slightly. In contrast, the Georgia high school graduation rate is between 56 and…
Hairy Originally uploaded by sneezypb. Definitely time for a haircut. About a week ago I decided I needed one. However, its been quite hectic. As most of you know, I work for the University System of Georgia’s Office of Instructional and Information Technology, specifically a project to provide system wide (35 schools) online classes. We…
Back in December, I applied for a position in Enterprise Application Services – Technical Services in the Office of Information and Instructional Technology in the University System of Georgia. The title is the same as mine. The job duties would be one of three Database and Application Administrators for the WebCT Vista system at USG.…