Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: remotepost

  • Tweets for Today

    10:02 George sent me Ha Ha Ha America tinyurl.com/2dk99u Apparently it was a Sundance 2006 selection? # 10:50 No way this is healthy… "X has informed us that squirrels have been eating through the fiber tube resulting in the previous outages." # 14:37 Researching an "IO exception in restore" error. Its really "Unexpected end of…

  • Tweets for Today

    13:36 I have Twitter's block today. # 14:44 " is the loneliest number you'll ever ping." www.dieselsweeties.com/archive/1933 Very nice # 14:55 Amaaaazing… a dolphin blowing bubble rings? tinyurl.com/2jse4g # 17:22 If you have to say, "HI, my name is [insert name] and, I'm an actor," in a commercial, then are you a popular one? #…

  • Tweets for Today

    13:30 If I don't see Cloverfield today, then I am unlikely to see it before it comes out on DVD. # 13:57 Hardly surprised Blackboard bought Xythos. # 14:20 Anyone have a Yahoo Mash invite to share? mash.yahoo.com/ # 23:09 Personal web site's traffic tripled over a page getting picked up by stumbleupon.com. Its not…

  • Tweets for Today

    00:04 Time for sleep…zzzzzzzzz # 13:30 If I don't see Cloverfield today, then I am unlikely to see it before it comes out on DVD. # 13:57 Hardly surprised Blackboard bought Xythos. # 14:20 Anyone have a Yahoo Mash invite to share? mash.yahoo.com/ # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Read and post comments | Send to…

  • Tweets for Today

    00:04 Time for sleep…zzzzzzzzz # 13:30 If I don't see Cloverfield today, then I am unlikely to see it before it comes out on DVD. # 13:57 Hardly surprised Blackboard bought Xythos. # 14:20 Anyone have a Yahoo Mash invite to share? mash.yahoo.com/ # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Read and post comments | Send to…

  • Tweets for Today

    09:18 Compressing archivelogs in hopes of preventing the a file system from reaching full… # 14:38 Good lunch at Loco's with other DBAs. Weird new appetizer: Baked potato chunks with cheese and ranch dressing. Good weird. # 15:52 Checking on frequency of errors likely related to users uploading files. # 16:28 For the last time……

  • Tweets for Today

    08:13 Won Singles Cricket. Lost Doubles Cricket but made a great comeback. Lost 501 b/c could not make my out. # 12:54 Team won last night. w00t! # 12:54 Amy apparently needs an LOLCats translator? speaklolcat.com # 13:32 "[T]he American people have been conned to thinking bottle water is healthier than tap water." -Lester Brown…

  • Tweets for Today

    20:55 Darts season starts tomorrow. Last I played the year was 2007 (and I stunk). # 21:01 Sweet… This looks just like Sasquatch but taken by the Spirit rover on Mars?!?! www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/artic … # 11:02 Ugh… Intcomp 8 from SungardHE probably will break integration. Sounds like testing will happen end of the month. # 11:16…

  • Tweets for Today

    13:43 Created a cool MediaWiki sortable table with Blackboard roles, label, context, desc, and notes. Better than Bb docs. # Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter Read and post comments | Send to a friend