Tag: library

  • During first couple years at my first real job post-college, a friend of a friend would IM me questions about how to solve computer problems for which he could not figure out the answers. These requests started as me doing the work for him with dubious promises of doing the same for me. (I knew…

  • Guard Dead Paper?

    Seth said, “What we don’t need are mere clerks who guard dead paper.” Whenever, I read “mere”, “only”, or “just” as a descriptor, it makes me sad someone (even me) relies on obvious straw men. Librarians already do more than guard dead paper. It just makes it easier to knock them down and kick them while…

  • Every time a Vista 3 node is shut down without going through the initiated shut down process, there is a chance of incorrect data written to the tracking files (in NodeA/tracking/). Normally it leaves strange characters or partial lines at the end of the file. This is the first time I have seen it write…

  • I’ve heard the Library of Congress analogy previously. The question I had then was, “What about the diagrams and pictures which make the books useful. Books are not just letters, numbers, and symbols.”

  • Karlyn Morissette posted her Master Higher Ed Twitter List. Other than @eironae and @barbaranixon, I didn’t know anyone on the list. So I thought to post a list of higher education professionals I follow categorized by primary expertise. Blackboard twitterers might be another post. Those in bold are coworkers. College / University / Departments @atsu_its…

  • Many Baha’is hold this quote predicts the creation of the Internet. A mechanism of world inter-communication will be devised, embracing the whole planet, freed from national hindrances and restrictions, and functioning with marvelous swiftness and perfect regularity. — Shoghi Effendi, The World Order of Baha’u’llah, p. 203 Perhaps what we know as the Internet is…

  • The modest proposal of having students help teachers learn to dance makes an interesting point. Suggesting the learners do not want to learn is an easy way to avoid the real problem. I hear from higher education faculty, students are unmotivated and fail to see the importance of learning. I hear from academic technical support…

  • Another Doppleganger?

    I have a universal face. People confuse me with others. In elementary school, a kid thought at first I was in another grade. My classmates attested to my proper grade. Turns out he confused me with someone a couple grades ahead. In 2000, Le Ann wanted to know the name of the girl she saw…

  • links for 2007-11-03

    Just posted! Eye-Fi card review Just posted! Eye-Fi card review: Announced just yesterday we have our review of a production Eye-Fi card. The Eye-Fi card is a two gigabyte SD card with built-in WiFi capability. The provided Eye-Fi Manager software … (tags: photography wireless) Upload Pictures from Picasa/Picasa2 to Flickr with Tags, Descriptions, and Title…