Category: Overheard
There’s An App For That
Woman 1: The first step is admitting you have a problem. Woman 2: Then we send you off to rehab. Woman 3: iPhone Rehab!
Truncate Table
Earlier in the week I picked on a DBA at UGA for wanting to use truncate learning_context. Overheard at the office a developer used truncate and caused those DBAs to recover the data. Ugh.
No Sympathy for the Devil
Coworker 1: You signed the wrong thing. Coworker 2: What? Coworker 1: You wrote “Happy Birthday” on a sympathy card. (Both laugh)
Quick Enough?
Overheard in cube land… Analyst: Quick question which I think will have a quick answer. DBA: Okay. Analyst: Can we– DBA: No! Is that quick enough? It was humor. Both laughed.
Overheard: A New Coworker?
Someone brought a baby. There are lots of strange noises from women making baby speak. The only thing I understood from all of that was, “Do we have a new employee?” Get ’em started young, I guess. Teach ’em to be good employees before they learn to talk back.
Something Your Boss Does Want To Hear
Quote for the day: I spent all day working on a bad EAR. Oh, WebLogic and your deplorable… I mean, deployable… applications!
Paging a DBA…
Sitting in Cubeville, all morning long pagers have been going off. Several different kinds of sounds and volumes clues that each is a different person being paged. All of our pagers going off at once? THAT would be scary.
Yo Mama!
overheard in athens: Guy 1: Man, the grass on north campus is really tall. Guy 2: Your mother hasn’t been out to graze in a whle. I so miss 6th grade!
Mass Emails
I find some of the emails that circulate around here funny. Here is an example. A hubcap off someone’s vehicle was found in our parking lot. Claim at front desk.