Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Banned Books Week

Native Son coverI started reading Native Son because it is Banned Books Week (last week of September). The Office for Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association asked people to read their favorite banned book. I’d rather take a chance on finding a banned book I already have and want to read than go back and read a favorite. Why not use this as a way to move a good book to the read list?

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe, already on my list does not appear to be listed as banned or challenged. The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is on the list of banned or challenged. Oh well. I’m fine with another one.

On Goodreads, I went through various banned books lists and marked the ones I recall reading plus added several to my wish list. Then I went through my “library” and tagged the ones from the banned books lists. Looks like I have read 44 banned books and want to read another 18. Guess I should add another 4 to read ones to improve the symmetry.

Most surprising to me was 14 of the banned books I have read were assigned in school. I thought it would be higher. Some parents objected to a high school assigned book for one teacher. After I graduated, parents objecting to other books caused two of my former teachers to leave when the board did not back them.


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