Tag: x chromosome

  • He’s associated damage to the temporal lobe with psychopathic killers. The epigenetic effects, brain damage, and environments appears to be an MAOA variant on the X chromosome with experiencing violence around 3 years old. Males only get the X from their mother. Men are much more likely. Girls get one X from mother and one from…

  • Smart Boys


    George and I talked about this some last night. Nature vs Nurture… I tend to think of both as bottlenecks for human development. The debate about which does more to me makes as much sense as debating which is better for a web application: Apache or MySQL? Both are involved and affect the end results.…

  • Thanks, Mom!

    The Straight Dope: Is male pattern baldness inherited? Who’s to blame?: … Men are more prone than women to X-linked abnormalities because they receive an XY chromosome combination while women get XX. In women, a recessive abnormality on one X chromosome will likely be masked by a dominant normal gene on the other. Men, however,…