Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: shut down

  • Export your Google+ data before the shutdown

    We can download our Google+ content using Google Takeout. Probably because of Europe’s GDPR, we have the option of downloading all of our data. The Google+ stuff are the items marked +1s or starting with “Google+ …”

  • Buh Bye Google+

    After a security lapse with the now dashed hopes for a Facebook killer social media site in Google+, it is now going to be shut down for most users. They apparently want to keep it around as a competitor to Slack? LOLz. Google says Google+ currently has “low usage and engagement” and that 90 percent…

  • Unfriendly Connect For Feedly

    So Google announced Reader will shut down. So I migrated to Feedly. It is okay, but I will miss Reader just like I still miss Bloglines. (The current Bloglines is actually NetVibes which I hate.) A few weeks ago, I noticed one my categories displays in the left menu there are unread posts, but the…

  • SOPA Blackout

    January 18th and 23rd are planned blackout days for a number of web sites in protest to passing the Stop Online Piracy Act. Existing legislation like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act already reveal copyright owners ask to shut down web sites even when there is no infringing material. Granting them more power seems like a bad…