Tag: Sam

  • The link is for the article at Slate. A good teaser paragraph. How Brazilian soccer players get their names. By Nick Schulz: Brazil’s affinity for nicknames might stem from the country’s historically high illiteracy rate. As such, shortened spoken names are typically used more often than longer birth names. In Brazilian society, the use of…

  • Have I said before that I like news from the state of Florida? Order of the court – Jun. 7, 2006 This matter comes before the Court on Plaintiff’s Motion to designate location of a Rule 30(b)(6) deposition (Doc. 105). Upon consideration of the Motion – the latest in a series of Gordian knots that…

  • Back in December, I applied for a position in Enterprise Application Services – Technical Services in the Office of Information and Instructional Technology in the University System of Georgia. The title is the same as mine. The job duties would be one of three Database and Application Administrators for the WebCT Vista system at USG.…