Tag: question

  • Snob

    As you may or may not know, I am a book snob. I read challenging stuff for fun. It is one way I decompress my brain. What kind of snob are you? Read and post comments | Send to a friend

  • Snob

    As you may or may not know, I am a book snob. I read challenging stuff for fun. It is one way I decompress my brain. What kind of snob are you?

  • Pick One

    The difference a decade makes! I actually knew a couple other kids in school who were mixed growing up. Jimmy was part Spanish and part Black. I’m not sure what Eddie was. Some people still wanted me to pick one. J2, my aunt, was very Afro-Centric. She decided that my white mother could not raise…

  • Science Mysteries, Explained

    Science Mysteries, Explained – Popular Science The world is full of mysteries, and we at Popular Science strive to do our part to help you make sense of them. What causes Slurpee-induced brain freeze? Will junior1s piano lessons make him smarter? Can men produce breast milk? We’ve covered these important bases and more to help…

  • Your Themed Restaurant Idea

    shelchan told me about a restaurant called Bed where the customers sit on beds as they eat. Okkkkaaaaay…. What is your idea for a themed restaurant? I suggested Dirt: The dishes are made from worms, mealy bugs, and other creatures from the dirt.

  • An animal name which starts with “U”

    At lunch a comment was made that an animal whose name starts with "u" would be a much more difficult challenge than one which starts with "z". So other than "urchin", what ideas do you have? Read and post comments | Send to a friend