Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: mythology

  • Review: Seven Viking Romances

    Seven Viking Romances by Hermann Pálsson My rating: 4 of 5 stars A couple girls gave me funny looks and asked about “Romance” in the title. So I explained this is romance as in heroic sagas of mighty warriors committing supernatural deeds. (Okay, so I glossed over these same warriors impregnating every woman in their path.) Not muscular…

  • Werewolves of Athens

    Werewolves of Athens I love the Moon. I don't know why. As celestial bodies go, it is close. We see it nearly every night. We can look at it. I first learned the Greek goddess of the Moon was Artemis. She was beautiful and a hunter, skilled with the bow. I later learned there was…

  • Search for Ithaca

    A geological engineering company said Monday it has agreed to help in an archaeological project to find the island of Ithaca, homeland of Homer’s legendary hero Odysseus. It has long been thought that the island of Ithaki in the Ionian Sea was the island Homer used as a setting for the epic poem “The Odyssey,”…