Tag: https

  • I much prefer to use sites with the encrypted HyperText Transfer Protocol (https) because it is a more secure connection. It is not just for banks or shopping. So I jumped on the chance to use https for my use of Facebook on more than just the login. Only now I am annoyed by the…

  • Supported

    (This is an post I wrote back in November but didn’t publish…. Until now. Have fun!) Mitigated speech gets a lot of use by people trying not to offend. All too often, people who have been hurt because of mitigated speech question what isn’t being told as though the omission or gaps are intentionally deceptive.…

  • Blackboard has a conference they call BbWorld. I noticed there are some odd tweets with the same #bbworld hashtag lately. These appear to be about a Blackberry conference to be held next month. Collisions on names are common enough. For example, here are a couple names our clients use to brand their sites which other…

  • Some former WebCT (bought by Blackboard) customers switched to ANGEL rather than move to Blackboard products. PDF Apr 14, 2009 Today, Blackboard announced it is buying ANGEL. You can run, but you cannot hide from Blackboard. Some light reading for you… Learning, Together ANGEL Learning and Blackboard® have decided to join forces. Blackboard Plans to Buy Another Rival, Angel Learning…

  • Correct: <script language=”Javascript” type=”text/javascript”> if (top != self) { top.location = window.location; } </script> Incorrect: <script language=”Javascript” type=”text/javascript”> if (top != self) { top.location = “/webct/urw/lc18361011.tp0/logonDisplay.dowebct”; } </script> The problem with incorrect is the address used here is not the address in the location bar.  The one in the location bar has the values required…

  • I have a habit of not typing the protocol (http:// or https://) when typing an URL. Except, when I enter a port in the address line. I hit the Home key and add the protocol then. I am pretty sure I picked up this habit to work around a problem. I just tried not supplying…

  • Work for OIIT! Become our 4th DBA / technical support person for our team. Located in Athens, GA (college town, UGA football) $, benefits, generous leave, rare snow we love open source PDF of GeorgiaVIEW DBA position Check out the PDF (right) for more information. Sorry for the convoluted route to the application… Click this…

  • Who Are You?

    I’m so vain…. I probably think this post is about me…. Probably only people who do vanity searches notice this, but there are spiders pulling names off web sites. They link the names to companies, blogs, and other web content. Supposedly, these sites allow online reputation control. Rather than you claiming your identity as others…

  • . Innovation at Risk (tags: books economics copyright patents law intellectualproperty) A Patent Is Worth Having, Right? Well, Maybe Not – New York Times (tags: copyright economics law patents intellectual_property) Contents (tags: oracle oracle.features database) Vista Ate My Homework (tags: blackboard resources webctvista.support webctvista.howto WebCT_Vista Blackboard_Vista) Show and Tell: Tips for a Successful Implementatio n…