Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: happiness

  • Happiness is the truth

    Because I’m happy; Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth I occasionally review how I am using social media. For years now, I worry about how I leverage social signaling. (read more) There is an awareness of the temptation to make myself appear more successful than I am. And that excessive signaling on…

  • Re-Imagining Work

    Guess Drive made me think about happiness at work more. How can we get people more engaged, more productive, and happier at work? Is technology part of the problem — and could it also be part of the solution? Dave Coplin, Chief Envisioning Officer at Microsoft, imagines what might be possible if more organisations embraced the…

  • Introvert Myths

    This Huffington Post piece, 6 Things You Thought Wrong About Introverts is not terrible. It covers these myths about introverts. All introverts are shy — and all shy people are introverts. Introverts don’t like to be around people. (Anti-social) Introverts don’t make good leaders or public speakers. Introverts have more negative personalities. (Depression) Introverts are more…

  • Book Review: Single & Happy: The Party of Ones

    Single & Happy: The Party of Ones by J. Victoria Sanders My rating: 4 of 5 stars Back in late 2011, I ran across the Single & Happy blog. WordPress.com had drawn me in, but I started looking at various tags including dating. Lots were people talking about current dates and especially the horror that is online dating web sites.…

  • TED Talk: The riddle of experience vs. memory

    We tend to think of memory the same as an audio-visual recording of the events in our life. Unfortunately, it is not. Memory captures snapshots which influence what we recall later. So a relatively good experience with a particularly bad ending can bias memory to recall the whole as bad. If the below video does not…

  • TED Talk: How to buy happiness

    If this is right, then money can buy happiness. The problem we create for ourselves is spending the money on expensive things we like. Happiness may come through spending money to help others. Look at charity giving statistics by people in the United States. I hope though as people discover things like Kickstarter, people find…

  • What Makes You Happy?

    Apparently singing to females makes male birds happy by triggering certain parts of their brains. Video games, chocolate, and some drugs like cocaine are associated with similarly creating happiness. How are you stimulating your VTA?

  • I Have A Dream by Martin Luther King, Jr

    Boondocks did an episode on Martin Luther King, Jr. It inspired me to Google MLK. Much of this is a poignant reminder of how far and not far enough the both America and the world have come. We are not living the dream. Yet… I Have A Dream Delivered on the steps at the Lincoln…