Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: evil

  • TED Talk: On being wrong

    A while back I pulled a post. It had to do with my wanting to be caught being wrong by my coworkers. I catch myself being wrong all the time, so I very much know my own fallibility. But, people take lack of confidence as lack of ability. Which means to get things done, one…

  • No Sympathy for the Devil

    Coworker 1: You signed the wrong thing. Coworker 2: What? Coworker 1: You wrote “Happy Birthday” on a sympathy card. (Both laugh)

  • Being Judgemental

    Mom sent me The Edison Gene: ADHD and the Gift of the Hunter Child for my birthday a while back. This is the latest book I have been reading while eating. So last night, I put Chelsea on the spot by asking her, “Which would you rather be judged by: what you do or who…

  • Are You a Battery?

    Yup. I would take the blue pill every time. 🙂 I’m happy being a battery. If I didn’t want Facebook to have control of my data, then I would not give that data to Facebook. Show your anger with your feet. Leave and make all of your zombie followers go with you! Build your own…

  • The Golden Compass

    I didn’t have any interest in this book (or the His Dark Materials trilogy books of which TGC is the first book) or the movie. Then I heard about Vatican objection to the movie despite the references to the Church being removed. This kind of objection made me curious. Does being an atheist make Phillip…

  • Paging a DBA…

    Sitting in Cubeville, all morning long pagers have been going off. Several different kinds of sounds and volumes clues that each is a different person being paged. All of our pagers going off at once? THAT would be scary.

  • Spies Among Us

    Every quasi-governmental organization needs their own spies. Why am I not surprised that the MPAA has spies all over the country? I am surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, not to be confused with the Business Software Alliance the software equivalent of the MPAA and RIAA) are the spies. Though, the longer I…

  • Spies Among Us

    Every quasi-governmental organization needs their own spies. Why am I not surprised that the MPAA has spies all over the country? I am surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, not to be confused with the Business Software Alliance the software equivalent of the MPAA and RIAA) is are the spies. Though, the longer…

  • Big Clef

    Every quasi-governmental organization needs their own spies. Why am I not surprised that the MPAA has spies all over the country? I am surprised that the Boy Scouts of America (BSA, not to be confused with the Business Software Alliance the software equivalent of the MPAA and RIAA) are the spies. Though, the longer I…