Tag: conference

  • Harold Powers, Georgia State University Template Copy files in File Manager Learning Module – Only content pages and assessments are exported in a learning module. Other tools such as discussion, chat, urls, etc. are not exported.

  • Kathy Kral, University of West Georgia Luminis IV CPIP connector: Clayton, Augusta, West GA. Issues with IMS when allowing IMAP from outside the Luminis application? VSU no issues with IMAP and POP allowed outside. Augusta initially restricted but opened up access without advertisement. Mention on one of email lists Blackberries fail to do a close…

  • Rock Eagle 2007 Keynote – David Cearley, Gartner Way too many unfamiliar acronyms an terminology. It moved really fast without spending much time to explain anything. Disruptive trends selected by timing, speed, and likelihood. Multricore to fabric – Core on processors will double every two years through 2015. Applications will have to adapt to multi-cores.…

  • . Wimba has a PowerLink (version 1.5) for their version 5.0 to work with Vista 3. First look for USG admins look at Vista 4.2.3. Anyone remember WebCT CE? Definitely a period of time Vista 3 and 4 are both in production. (Ref)

  • I am blogging from the pre-conference GeorgiaVIEW meeting @ Rock Eagle yesterday afternoon and this morning. I enjoy connecting with people around the state of Georgia who use our Vista system. Most of them do not make it to BbWorld. Some hot topics: Alternatives to Blackboard Vista Training Content repository Returning Reports and Tracking to…

  • At the BbWorld Developers’ Conference (Thursday afternoon and Friday morning after BbWorld), there was a session by John Fontaine called What the Heck is a Hotfix? (PPT,audio recording). I’d been meaning to go look for this at the Bb Connections web site where the conference presentations were uploaded. However, I found this through a Bb…

  • links for 2007-09-20

    Rock Eagle 2007 – Home (tags: conferences)

  • I am home from the Tennessee Baha’i School. I enjoyed the weekend. Meeting new people is not something I’d normally place high on my list. However, I have yet to go to a Baha’i conference or weekend school where I did not come away feeling happy to have met all those I did. Naturally, since…

  • Since you readers seem not to comment much, I took it upon myself to check on you by other means. 😀 More of my visitors come from Washington, DC, than any other US locale. Interesting…. All of them are from a certain publicly traded company. \Why would I be surprised, considering I mentioned them and…