Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: birthday

  • International Talk Like A Pirate Day

    This is someting my friends have been into for years. International Talk Like A Pirate Day: International Talk Like a Pirate Day isn’t one o’ those governmentally sanctioned holidays that shifts around to create a convenient three-day weekend. No, the date is ALWAYS Sept. 19 (Cap’n Slappy’s ex-wife’s birthday.) Though apparently the inventors were on…

  • International Talk Like A Pirate Day

    International Talk Like A Pirate Day: International Talk Like a Pirate Day isn’t one o’ those governmentally sanctioned holidays that shifts around to create a convenient three-day weekend. No, the date is ALWAYS Sept. 19 (Cap’n Slappy’s ex-wife’s birthday.)

  • Google, You Suck

    One of the fun things about Google is they change the logo at their search page (and the smaller one for the results) whenever there  is something special about that particular day. Christmas and Easter are pretty obvious. However, they get things like the Olympics, election days, and other things one might know. On rare…

  • Happy Birthday Charlie!!

    Darwin Day Celebration CHARLES ROBERT DARWIN February 12, 1809 to April 19, 1882