Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Category: Facebook

  • Better Circles and Lists

    Last week I blogged about Facebook Lists and Google Circles being similar concepts so nothing Earth shattering. The problem with is both reliability and validity. The imperfection of human recall and recognition means both Lists and Circles have glaring obvious holes in establishing the correct connections. As users increase the size of their social networks, the…

  • Halos and Circles

    Facebook and Google+ both have ways of categorizing people for targeted sharing. The first way I attempted to handle my Facebook lists was basic categories like Coworkers, Family, Friends, Internet, and Locals. Then I switched jobs. It became a little weird to gripe about the new job to both, so I went down the crazy…

  • TED Talk: The Filter Bubble

    Companies are personalizing web sites for us. Facebook only shows us things like what we have before clicked. Google gives us search results tailored either to our user id or a number of factors. Basically, our perspective of what is on the Internet could be highly flawed due to actions we had no idea was…

  • WordPress+Facebook

    Since I cannot use Facebook Apps over HTTPS, that put a wrinkle over using the NetworkedBlogs app. Because one had to go to their apps.facebook.com to do more than look at a post (goes to networkedblogs.com which shows my site in a frame) or view the app profile, I decided to ditch it. I decided…

  • Facebook Apps Not HTTPS Enabled?

    I much prefer to use sites with the encrypted HyperText Transfer Protocol (https) because it is a more secure connection. It is not just for banks or shopping. So I jumped on the chance to use https for my use of Facebook on more than just the login. Only now I am annoyed by the…

  • Download Facebook Content

    Facebook offers a zip file of our content. The help information explains, Having a copy of your information — whether that is on Facebook or any other service on the web — is an important part of controlling what you share. In addition, downloading a copy of your information may come in handy if it…