Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Month: July 2016

  • Research BEFORE reacting

    A friend posted this article on Facebook, Everything wrong with this country happened this morning on my Facebook page, which showed an image with the original erroneous claim. The reactions to it were agreement with the bogus claim. Which was extremely sad because the originator of the claim now refutes it. The whole point of the article…

  • TED Talk: Randall Munroe

    I have followed XKCD for years. His What If? blog (and book) is really good as well. He walks step-by step through the inputs and effects of the questions. The What If for the video below is Relativistic Baseball. If the video does not load, then try Randall Munroe: Comics That Ask What If?  

  • Independence

    Thinking about independence since it is the Fourth of July. Over the centuries it is amusing how close the United States has become with the United Kingdom (descendant of Great Britain). So much so that both the President of the United States and a candidate for the job both travel to the UK and talk about how…

  • Nebulous

    Schrödinger’s Cat is one of my favorite thought experiments. I tend not to think of things and black-and-white or not even in shades of gray but as simultaneously both. Well, I used to call things as having shades of gray until I realized that was wrong. I sometimes still make that error. The better I understand…

  • Blog It; Or It Didn’t Happen

    This blog is often my external brain. If I find something interesting, then I ought to blog about it. Later, when I need to reference it, then I can find it here. Failing to write it down can result in spending lots of time trying to reinvent the wheel. I guess part of the problem…

  • Resolution Progress 2016: First Half

    Here is an update on my progress for each resolution at the midpoint of the year. Read 75 books. Half is 37.5 and I have read 37. Not far off schedule. Hit 25,000 pages. Half is 12,500 and I have read 11,860 which puts me 640 behind, which is about a whole book. Finish series already started. 24 of the…