Here is an update on my progress for each resolution at the midpoint of the year.

  • Read 75 books. Half is 37.5 and I have read 37. Not far off schedule.
    • Hit 25,000 pages. Half is 12,500 and I have read 11,860 which puts me 640 behind, which is about a whole book.
    • Finish series already started. 24 of the 75 books. 3 of the 6 are done and a good portion of others done.
      • Earthsea Cycle Read books #4-5. Still need to read #4-5.
      • Ender’s Shadow Read book 5. Done.
      • The Expanse Read book #2-6, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 2.5, 3.5. Still need to read #3.5, 4-6.
      • The Magicians Read books #2-3. Done.
      • Millennium Read book 4. Done.
      • Robot Read books #0.2-0.6,1-4. Read #0.2, 1-4. Still need to read #0.4-0.6.
      • 25 total. Half is 12.5. Read 15. So for this one, I am plenty ahead.
  • Lifting.
    • Bench 240 pounds (1RM equivalent). The most recent is 198. That gives me 42 to go. Upping it by 5 pounds every 3 weeks should work.
    • Squat 300 pounds (1RM eq). The most recent is 268. That gives me 32 to go. Upping it by 5 pounds every 4 weeks should work.
    • Deadlift 335 pounds (1RM eq). The most recent is 297. That gives me 38 to go. Upping it by 5 pounds every 3 weeks should work.
    • After getting to these, I will shift to reaching the “essential benchmarks” of bench 1.5x body weight (360 lb), squat 2x body weight (480), deadlift 2.5x body weight (600).
  • Drop to 20% body fat. No progress.
  • Do the White and Orange trails in under an hour. It is only a bit over 15 minute improvement. And my feet hurt for a week. Once I’ve dropped the weight, it should be easier to achieve. And it is too hot now, so I will try again in the fall starting in late September.
  • Attend 12 social events when invited. I am going to count having a party as 3. And going to a movie with friends as 1/2.

(First Quarter)

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