Wrap Up #USGRockEagle13

Now that I am back at work… And apparently was photographed and did not know it…

WordPress.com’s Jetpack publish feature pushed my prior Rock Eagle related posts about sessions I attended to some of my social media presences. Guess I could +1 them for Google Plus? Looks like the last time I blogged as much about Rock Eagle was 2007? Sad.

Also, I gave out only three business cards and received three new Twitter followers. @TBrow01 and @TylerWatts and @technicalissues There was some good activity on the #USGRockEagle13 Twitter hashtag.

What I like most about Rock Eagle is the conversations that happen outside the formal sessions. Friends and even bosses from my last job come, so we get to catch up. Even total strangers end up talking to me about things.

  • Last night a student worker who graduates in December. Hiring him full time fell through, but they will hold on to him as casual labor through February. As other staff left, he picked up some of their responsibilities to the point of having too much that can be completed by March.
  • A web developer who appreciated the conference for providing the big picture of how he fits into the 40,000 employee cog that is our university system.
  • A developer who moved to a school in the Technical College System of Georgia working on implementing a learning object repository with potential to be a system wide implementation.
  • Informal conversations with people who work in the same building. Guess people rushing off to the next meeting or sitting quietly in their cubes never really talk.

Plenty more happened.

Guess I will post the video of the fireworks later. It has been at 6 minutes remaining the last hour.





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