Month: October 2009
Why Read Books?
That I read books probably lowers my highly coveted geek cred. Instead, e-books read on the computer screen, phone screen, or e-book reader should have long ago replaced reading on dead wood. Unfortunately, I am intentionally avoiding reading books much on computers, phone, or readers. No purse to carry more stuff. I have big fingers, so…
Behind the Scenes
Behind the Scenes Originally uploaded by Ezra F Yesterday was the second Athens, GA Strobist meeting. Like the first meeting, it was fun and informative. I really ought to invest in my own setup to practice outside these meets. Maybe it is time to start selling my work so I can afford more gear. Missing…
The Crumby Thief
The Crumby Thief, originally uploaded by Ezra F.
The Crumby Thief
The Crumby Thief Originally uploaded by Ezra F