Tweets for Today

  • 22:32 Took a month, but I've finally finished watching Firefly through. I think more series should just end after a season or 2. #
  • 22:36 Upgraded my WordPress sites. Security fixes, yummy. #
  • 23:20 1:04 left… NY Giants blew the onside kick. That's all folks. #
  • 10:05 Thankfully I dreams are not prophetic. I'd hate to be a movie production executive. Nasty business. Dream made us/them even worse…. #
  • 14:55 @dgcombs rains no good if it all runs off into the ocean. #
  • 15:22 Geologists claim plate tectonics caused human evolution by changing Africa's climate. #
  • 19:20 Its been a long time coming… No more Netscape! #
  • 19:23 Ironically, I use Netscape 6.2 for testing Bb Vista. 1) Hate IE, 2) Crashing Moz where other stuff open bad. Better same my installers? #

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