Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: technology

  • Misunderstanding Links?

    In running an online class system, we encounter situations where we have to gather data and present to the best of our ability past events. We thoroughly comb through the evidence and carefully present our findings with an admission as to how certain we can be about the evidence. Often the stories about events as…

  • Programmers

    Gave a former coworker, Stu, from my Valdosta State days a heads up about a complaint my brother heard from a close friend of his. Stu is working with Sakai these days at Georgia Institute of Technology. He made an interesting comment: It would be great to have all the energy your team puts into…

  • Programmers

    Gave a former coworker, Stu, from my Valdosta State days a heads up about a complaint my brother heard from a close friend of his. Stu is working with Sakai these days at Georgia Institute of Technology. He made an interesting comment: It would be great to have all the energy your team puts into…

  • Power of Assumptions

    Being single, people offer up lots of places to find love offline and more frequently of late online. Almost everyone knows of the common profile browsing or question testing dating web sites. This site scares the hell out of me…. Welcome to a new era of human relationships. We’re the only introduction service that creates…

  • Turing Digitalization

    Some 60 million CAPTCHAs are solved daily according to Luis von Ahn (on Wired Science on PBS). His technology project reCAPTHCA will use unknown words in these challenges for solving the unknown words in OCR digitalizing books to solve these words in an a quasi-automated sort of way. I wonder though. Even if reCAPTCHA a)…

  • Staying Beneath the Radar

    The xenophobes around us have cause to celebrate. We are making it difficult for aliens to find us. As Frank Drake explains for in an article, our improvements in transmissions means less bleeds out into space. The parallel he makes is alien civilizations may only have a 60 year blip where they pushed massive amounts…

  • Social Marketing

    Normally, I consider John Dvorak a crotchety old-timer who doesn’t get human-computer interaction due to his myopic self-centered view. (His use isn’t usually my use, so he gripes seem inapplicable.) Finally, he got one right… almost. In his most recent blog post… er… opinion article, he described people using social networks as “marketing” themselves. Actually,…

  • VLE vs PLE

    PLEs reflect the needs of a student information gatherer. VLEs (aka LMSs) reflect the classroom and institution online. (PLEs vs VLEs) Blackboard Vista is a VLE. Its competitors are all VLEs. Vista is the worst VLE of them all as its designed to host multiple institutions in one site. The GeorgiaVIEW project takes the VLE…

  • links for 2007-11-26

    . Plug and Chug and Crank… « Authentic Assessment (tags: Blackboard_Vista education online_learning onlineeducation) Picnik – edit photos the easy way, online in your browser (tags: photography) Managing the Mess Innovation occurs when huge messes create the need. (tags: programming technology) The Future of Reading (A Play in Six Acts) [dive into mark] (tags: copyright…