Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: solving problems

  • Black Box Magic

    With a black box system a person working with it sees what goes in and what comes out. The machine’s decision making process is obfuscated. Theories are made based on incomplete evidence on the behavior. More data points on more situations confirming the behavior is my way of being more comfortable the theory is correct. Sometimes…

  • How to Pray

    Included below are the steps that Shoghi Effendi Rabbani, 1897-1957, reportedly gave to a follower of the Bahá’í Faith, Ruth Moffat, who visited him in the Holy Land. His injunction speaks to us all about the dynamics of prayer and how we can use it to find solutions to even our most challenging problems. Here are…

  • Smart Groups

    We started in a conversation about an interesting grant seeking to help students from low-income families through OpenCourseWare and providing them better information. An Open Source LMS != open coureseware. OSLMS is running students through online classes. OCW is providing the content so anyone can download and use it. The better information section sounded to…

  • TED Talk: Is Play More Than Fun?

    In the Q&A, Stuart Brown, co-author of Play: How It Shapes the Brain, Opens the Imagination, and Invigorates the Soul, rejects the idea play is a rehersal for adulthood. Stopping an animal from playing doesn’t prevent the animal from being a successful predator. REM sleep provides the rehearsal needed for learning. Play is the next…