Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: risk

  • A Rant on Complexity and Stock Markets

    Zoran Perkov is one of the heroes portrayed in Flash Boys. Someone liked my review of the book, which made me re-read the review and setup a Google alert on him. This video was one of the first hits on a search for him. His thing is: Failure is feature of complex systems. Basically when you…

  • Difficult To Use Is Good

    I enjoyed reading Why We Should Design Some Things to Be Difficult to Use by Brian Millar for WIRED. It caught my attention and held it by referencing Dan Pink’s book Drive. I posted his TED Talk on Drive back in 2009. The sections of the piece: The Pleasures of Mastery Difficulty Makes Things Exclusive Danger May…

  • QotD: Pass The Dice

    What is your favorite board game? Submitted by I’m Unique. A strong temptation is to put Dungeons and Dragons which is not really a board game so much as a role-playing game (hint it has dice but no board and tons of paper). So I’ll put Greyhawk Wars, a board game related to the D&D…