Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: parenting

  • Intellectual superpower books

    Maybe because I am a bookworm, but this is a tweet storm that I decided to make a blog post to better organize my thoughts. Investigation of truth The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Best Short Works of Richard P. Feynman. Jeffrey Robbins (Editor). This provided confirmation bias on my love of tinkering on…

  • New Blog Project

    In sharing stuff on Twitter and Facebook, I feel like I could be writing more instead of just sharing a quote. That is where the blog comes in, but I also feel like RRRv4 is all over the place. So, I started a new one: Polymath Parent. Some self-imposed rules: Semi-anonymous: I’m not going to…

  • WiFi Management for Parenting

    I’ve been futzing for what feels like a year with the WiFi trying out various things. Basically, instead of the wife turning off all the WiFi and none of us having it, I’ve been playing with a few things to bring some sanity. The first approach was the wife disconnected the wifi router. That meant…

  • Peril of Good Intentions

    I ran across a friend’s Facebook post about parenting and related a description of a college psychology professor’s eugenics lecture. The reply was that eliminating the genes of less intelligent people seems like it could help improve society. This seeming promise is why it has been tried many times. Before the Holocaust shifted to genocide, it…

  • Ashley Merryman: On Parenting

    Cannot believe I have yet to read NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children! It looks to have all the things I love: scientific studies debunking common assumptions, policy, school programs, etc. At least it is already on the wishlist. Also, I follow NutureShock on Twitter. A list of articles on the topic. The first part on…

  • 31 ways for you to use your blog

    This is just a personal exercise to track what I have done and might ought to try. Done To-Do No way Welcome to MY world: 31 ways for you to use your blog Not sure what to blog about? You can blog about anything that interests you. Here are some ideas to get you started:…