Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: load balancer

  • Host Hopping Cookies

    It started with a tweet on Saturday morning. @MsIngalls: When I go to the Checklist in @Desire2Learn -when I am logged in – I get an error message that says my log in has expired – ideas? #d2l This sounded like an issue we had in WebCT Vista product I called Failed Sessions. FSes occur when…

  • Big Bad Blip

    I was at lunch last week when I saw pages about a failed monitoring checks on one of our sites. My coworkers were working on CE/Vista SP6 upgrades. Though it was one upgraded yesterday. When I returned to the office, I asked about it. Exactly 24 hours to the second after checking the license in…

  • Session Oddities

    One of the clients we host complained about losing their session. Blackboard recommended we switch how our load balancer is handling the session persistence. Before agreeing to do that, we decided to use Blackboard’s script to determine if there is a problem before trying to fix something which may or may not exist. An acceptable…

  • Forcing Weblogic’s Config.xml

    Let’s nevermind why I am working on this in the first place. Namely… the Blackboard Learning Environment Connector introduced using the hostname and port for applet URLs in Vista 8 Blackboard, Blackboard dropped WebCT’s support for using a different port for an application when behind a load balancer. So we found out we could use…

  • links for 2007-07-18

    . Innovation at Risk (tags: books economics copyright patents law intellectualproperty) A Patent Is Worth Having, Right? Well, Maybe Not – New York Times (tags: copyright economics law patents intellectual_property) Contents (tags: oracle oracle.features database) Vista Ate My Homework (tags: blackboard resources webctvista.support webctvista.howto WebCT_Vista Blackboard_Vista) Show and Tell: Tips for a Successful Implementatio n…