Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: judgment

  • TED Talk: The currency of the new economy is trust

    How would you describe my reputation in three words? My judgment, knowledge, and behaviors in various situations? Back in the 1990s, the beauty of the Internet was we could disappear and be whomever we wanted. Wherever we went, almost no one knew who we were. Then web sites started providing accounts to sites and tracking…

  • Quotes That Make You Think: Collected for First Half 2011

    More quotes for Quotes to Make You Think collected over the past year. Additional ones can be found under the Quotes tag. The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. — William Arthur Ward (1921-1994) Making the simple complicated is commonplace. Making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that’s creativity. — Charles Mingus The…

  • Toys as Personal Identify

    Interesting thoughts in Electronics as Fashion–The Anti-Gizmo Fetish. The topic of whether any particular device is actually useful or pleasing is a separate issue. I’m talking here about electronics as a fashion statement–an expression of personal identity. And for portable electronics, that statement is increasingly visible and public. Having a blu-ray player (when they were…