Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: hacker

  • Verification Codes

    One would hope that verification codes would be extremely random. More randomness makes it harder for a malicious entity (person or computer) to guess the code. Less randomness makes it easier. With all the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) out there, we hope there is enough randomness in these methods to make them unguessable by someone attempting to…

  • TED Talk: The Internet’s Immune System

    I really enjoyed this TED Talk on hacktivists the first couple times I watched it a year ago and a few months ago. Not sure why I have not yet posted it. The beauty of hackers, says cybersecurity expert Keren Elazari, is that they force us to evolve and improve. Yes, some hackers are bad…

  • Security Inside Out #USGRockEagle13

    Eddie Carter and Orrin Char, Oracle Identity management and security and access management. Eddie wore a UGA shirt. Guy in front of me made fun of him obviously not wanting to sell to Georgia Tech. Turns out he’s from  Kennesaw. The GT-UGA rivalry knows no bounds. Love it! Handout: Database firewall more auditing and ACLs…

  • Extending Gmail Addresses

    Surprised I have not posted prior about this. Gmail allows one to use username+anything@gmail.com and have it delivered to username@gmail.com. Use it to sign up for web sites or things and filter later. Should this address be compromised, you can create a filter to delete anything sent through just that address. Keep in mind… Though I…

  • Just Get Rid of Java

    Apparently there are security flaws in the current version of Java allowing the installation of malicious software through web browsers unknown to the user. The known attacks using this flaw work on Windows, OSX, and Linux. According to Reuters: Java was responsible for 50 percent of all cyber attacks last year in which hackers broke…

  • Book: The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

    The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson My rating: 4 of 5 stars I understand the Swedish title translates into the The Men Who Hate Women. That is a more appropriate title. Though, I would imagine such a title would hurt sales in England and the USA. Each part has a statistic regarding…