Rants, Raves, and Rhetoric v4

Tag: Georgia Southern University

  • D2L Tips and Tricks 10.2 #USGRockEagle13

    Terri Brown and Louise Fechter, Georgia Southern University Upgraded to Desire2Learn 10.2 in July 2013. (Actually from 9.4.1 to 10.0 earler then later to 10.2.) Support plan: revised training, more documentation, briefed support team, wrote “tips & tricks”. When get calls, walk through the task then follow up with a document. If no doc exists,…

  • GA Southern’s D2L Journey #USGRockEagle13

    Eric Floyd and Terri Brown, Georgia Southern University Real-Time Ellucian integration not cross-listing. Lack of quality control for release just before start of term. Hotfix soon after resolved. 10.2 released late (June not May) so missed between terms window. Upgrade broke real-time again, but because delayed until August got the fix before upgrade. Tried cloning…