Ezra is a weird name. Reversing the letters does not really make it more or less weird. Ezra vs Arze There is a famous musician named Ezra Koenig (from Vampire Weekend). His Twitter account is @arzE. His use of this name suggests to me he did the same thing as me, possibly also in his teens,…
Living in the Bible Belt, sometimes the only association people have with my name is the book in the Bible. Which is fine. I mean who would honestly recognize… Ezra Klein Ezra Koenig Ezra Miller Ezra Cornell Ezra Pound Ezra Taft Benson before the book? Recently I did get a rather weird question. Ezra is…
Google Labs’ Ngram Viewer lets us look at the use of phrases over time. For example, my name, Ezra, appears to have been most popular usage peaks back in the 1600s and 1700s, but has been more consistently used since the 1800s. This kind of thing can get me lost for hours at a time.…
Project 365: Day 004 Originally uploaded by Ezra S F So, I am day four into my participation in Project 365: One photo a day for an entire year. I have to make it into May before I improve over the last time I tried this in 2007. Hope I make it. The last time…
Time of Death Dec 27, 2009 at 2:34pm Originally uploaded by Ezra S F Didn’t realize it was still on when I put it in my pocket for 2 hours. At least I still have my SLR. UPDATE: Ordered a replacement. Hope it is as good or faithful.
Ornamental Reflection Originally uploaded by Ezra S F Downtown Valdosta outside Bleu Cafe.
Happy (Con)trails Originally uploaded by Ezra S F Flickr member Zack Sheppard did me a huge favor yesterday picking this picture for a Flickr blog about Asterisks in the sky. So in one day this picture was exposed to 5,931 people. Several of those looked at the adjacent picture and others for a total of…
Nolan House Shed Originally uploaded by Ezra S F Was saving this for tomorrow. However, I noticed a photo of me taking this photo posted today. So I posted mine too. I enjoyed exploring this house and environs with Team Shipaway.